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SUMMARY OF FINDINGS PERSONS IN CORRECTIVE SERVICES Number of prisoners In the September quarter 2014, the average daily number of full-time prisoners in Australia was 34,000. This was an annual increase of 2,771 prisoners (9%) from the September quarter 2013, and a quarterly decrease of 34 prisoners (0.1%) from the June quarter 2014. (Table 1) There was a small monthly decrease of 0.4% (148 prisoners) in the number of prisoners between June (33,991) and July 2014 (33,843), followed by monthly increases between:
Source(s): Corrective Services, Australia Number of persons in community-based corrections Community-based corrections orders are non-custodial orders served under the authority of adult corrective services agencies and include restricted movement, reparations (fine options and community service) and supervision orders (parole, bail, and sentenced probation). The average daily number of persons serving community-based corrections orders in the September quarter 2014 was 56,069, based on first day of the month averages. This was an annual increase of 1,004 persons (2%) from the September quarter 2013. (Table 1) Source(s): Corrective Services, Australia PERSONS IN CUSTODY Rates per 100,000 adult population Nationally, the September quarter 2014 average daily imprisonment rate was 187 prisoners per 100,000 adult population. The Northern Territory had the highest average daily imprisonment rate (843 prisoners per 100,000 adult population), followed by Western Australia (266 prisoners per 100,000 adult population). The Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania had the lowest average daily imprisonment rates (111 and 109 prisoners per 100,000 adult population respectively). Between the 2013 and 2014 September quarters, the Northern Territory recorded the largest increase in the average daily imprisonment rate, from 814 to 843 prisoners per 100,000 adult population. Tasmania was the only jurisdiction to record a decrease in the daily average imprisonment rate during the same period, from 117 to 109 prisoners per 100,000 adult population. (Table 3) Footnote(s): (a) Rate is the number of prisoners per 100,000 adult population. Source(s): Corrective Services, Australia Sex The average daily number of full-time prisoners in Australia in the September quarter 2014 was 31,351 males and 2,648 females. This represents an increase in the average daily number of males in custody of 9% (2,540) and females of 10% (230) from the September quarter 2013. In the September quarter 2014, the average daily imprisonment rate for males was 349 prisoners per 100,000 adult male population, which was 12 times the rate for females (29 female prisoners per 100,000 adult female population). (Tables 4 and 5) Type of full-time custody In the September quarter 2014, the average daily number of prisoners in secure prison custody was 26,522 (78% of prisoners in full-time custody). Open prison custody comprised 7,478 prisoners (22%). The jurisdictions with the highest proportion of prisoners in secure prison custody were Tasmania (97% or 423 prisoners) and the Australian Capital Territory (96% or 322 prisoners). (Table 6) Legal status Legal status refers to where a person may be either sentenced or unsentenced depending on the warrant(s) or court order(s) that provide the legal basis for the administration of the person through the criminal justice system. During the September quarter 2014, the average number of prisoners in full-time custody on the first day of the month was 33,930, comprising 25,566 (75%) sentenced and 8,364 (25%) unsentenced prisoners. Sentenced prisoners increased by:
Unsentenced prisoners increased by 11% (812 prisoners) from the September quarter 2013, and decreased by 4% (380 prisoners) from the June quarter 2014. ![]() Source(s): Corrective Services, Australia Source(s): Corrective Services, Australia Sentenced prisoner receptions Sentenced prisoner receptions refers to entry into corrective services custody from the community, having received a sentence of imprisonment as an outcome of a court proceeding; or persons who are sentenced to custody while in custody on remand (i.e. changed status from a remand to a sentenced prisoner); or persons entering custody as a result of defaulting on the payment of a fine. Sentenced prisoners in custody who receive a further sentence of imprisonment are not counted as sentenced receptions. In the September quarter 2014, there were 9,060 sentenced prisoner receptions into full-time prison custody in Australia. This equates to an annual increase of 2% (138) from the September quarter 2013, and a quarterly decrease of 0.5% (43) from the June quarter 2014. (Table 10) Federal prisoners Federal prisoners are persons charged and sentenced under a Commonwealth statute or transferred from another country to serve their sentence in Australia. Based on first day of the month figures during the September quarter 2014, the average daily number of federal sentenced prisoners in Australia was 873. This was an annual increase of 8% (63 prisoners) from the September quarter 2013, and a quarterly increase of 6% (51 prisoners) from the June quarter 2014. Just over half (442 or 51%) of all federal prisoners were sentenced in New South Wales. (Table 12) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners In the September quarter 2014, the average daily number of full-time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adult prisoners in Australia was 9,309, comprising 8,378 (90%) males and 931 (10%) females. Between the 2013 and 2014 September quarters, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males in custody increased by 8% (625 prisoners) and females by 17% (133 prisoners). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners represented 27% of the total full-time adult prisoner population in the September quarter 2014. The total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population aged 18 years and over in 2014 was approximately 2% of the Australian population aged 18 years and over (based on Australian Demographic Statistics (cat. no. 3101.0) and Estimates and Projections, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2001 to 2026 (cat. no. 3238.0)). Three states accounted for 73% of the total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoner population: New South Wales (2,476), Queensland (2,229) and Western Australia (2,084). (Table 13) In the September quarter 2014, the national average daily Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate was 2,185 prisoners per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. This was an increase of 115 prisoners per 100,000 adult population from the September quarter 2013, and a decrease of 23 prisoners per 100,000 adult population from the June quarter 2014. (Table 14) Footnote(s): (a) Rate per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Source(s): Corrective Services, Australia Between the 2013 and 2014 September quarters, the imprisonment rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males increased by 5% to 3,993 prisoners per 100,000 adult male Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. The imprisonment rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander females increased by 13% to 431 prisoners per 100,000 adult female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population over the same period. Based on daily averages, the highest Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate for the September quarter 2014 was recorded in Western Australia (3,672 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population), followed by the Northern Territory (2,851 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population) and South Australia (2,491 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population). Footnote(s): (a) Rate is the number of prisoners per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population Source(s): Corrective Services, Australia Between the 2013 and 2014 September quarters, the largest increases in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate were recorded in South Australia (an increase of 316 prisoners per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population) and Victoria (an increase of 232 prisoners per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population). Over the same period, the Australian Capital Territory recorded the largest decrease in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander imprisonment rate (a decrease of 69 prisoners per 100,000 adult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population). (Table 14) In the September quarter 2014, of the average daily full-time Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoner population based on first day of the month figures (9,286 prisoners), 75% (6,924 prisoners) were sentenced and 25% (2,362 prisoners) were unsentenced. Unsentenced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners increased by 13% (278 prisoners) from the September quarter 2013, and decreased by 6% (151 prisoners) from the June quarter 2014. Sentenced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners increased by:
PERSONS IN COMMUNITY-BASED CORRECTIONS All reported daily averages for number of persons serving community-based corrections orders are based on first day of the month figures. For more information, please refer to paragraphs 2 and 12 in the Explanatory Notes. Rates per 100,000 adult population In the September quarter 2014, the national rate of persons in community-based corrections was 308 persons per 100,000 adult population based on first day of the month figures. There was no change in comparison to the September quarter 2013. (Table 18) Footnote(s): (a) Rate is the number of prisoners per 100,000 adult population, based on average number on the first day of the month Source(s): Corrective Services, Australia Footnote(s): (a) Rate is the number of prisoners per 100,000 adult population, based on average number on the first day of the month. (b) ACT community-based corrections data from September 2014 are not comparable to earlier data - see Explanatory Notes, paragraph 34. Source(s): Corrective Services, Australia Sex Based on first day of the month figures, the average daily number of persons serving community-based corrections orders was 56,069 in the September quarter 2014. Of these, 45,737 (82%) were male and 10,303 (18%) were female. (Table 17) In the September quarter 2014, the rate of community-based corrections for males was 509 per 100,000 adult male population, compared to 112 females per 100,000 adult female population. (Table 18) Type of orders Based on first day of the month figures, the average daily number of persons serving community service orders in the September quarter 2014 was 9,061, an annual increase of 520 persons (6%) from September quarter 2013. The largest percentage increase was recorded in Victoria (32% or 223 persons). The largest percentage decrease was recorded in Western Australia (17% or 119 persons). In the September quarter 2014, the average daily number of persons on parole was 12,444, an annual decrease of 322 persons (3%) from the September quarter 2013. The largest percentage decrease in parole orders over this period was recorded in Victoria (25% or 397 persons). The largest percentage increase in parole orders over this period was recorded in Tasmania (11% or 11 persons). (Table 19) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons in community-based corrections Based on first day of the month averages, the average daily number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons in community-based corrections for the September quarter 2014 was 11,355, a decrease of 80 persons from the September quarter 2013. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders represented 20% of the total number of persons in community-based corrections in the September quarter 2014. Approximately 75% of the total Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-based corrections population was located in three states: Queensland (3,728), New South Wales (3,476) and Western Australia (1,359). (Table 20) Source(s): Corrective Services, Australia Footnote(s): (a) Based on average number on the first day of the month Source(s): Corrective Services, Australia Document Selection These documents will be presented in a new window.